
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Simon Sinek with Advice for Leaders

          Oftentimes I've asked the same question that Simon asks in this video: How do companies like Apple outshine their competitors, year after year? Even with technical problems being common, and product reviews not the highest, Apple still manages to sell its products to the masses. Apple has access to the same resources as its competitors, so why don't we feel inclined to buy an mp3 player from Dell, or Gateway? According to Sinek, the answer is that Apple consumers buy the products because they agree with its maxim, its mission statement, and not because they go for the product's features. Just look at one of their commercials, here. Apple promotes keeping family and friends close together by using their products. How could you disagree with human interaction?
           In this video, TED speaker Simon Sinek simply and elegantly orates the power of the "golden circle", and explains how you can use this knowledge in your own life, regardless of what you do.